Goat Polyclonal Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L), Affinity Purified
Goat Polyclonal Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L), Affinity Purified
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Product Specifications
Clonality: Polyclonal
Cross reactivity : Yes (In Specificity Section)
Host species: Goat
Isotype: In Title Only
Note : Slight precipitation of antibody may occur on storage at 2-8°C. Refilter if necessary
Product form : Mouse IgG affinity column purified goat polyclonal anti-mouse IgG (H+L) in 0.10M Potassium Phosphate Buffer, pH 7.8, 0.05% NaN3
Purity: Greater than 98% pure
Quantity : 2250.3 mg
Specificity : This antibody reacts with heavy chains on mouse IgG, and with light chains on all mouse immunoglobulins. No reactivity is observed to non-immunoglobulin mouse serum proteins.
Storage: At 2-8°C. DO NOT FREEZE.
Suggested use: For Research Use Only
Target species reactivities: In Title Only